Sunday, July 14, 2013

Only me

So.... I'm Erin.  37, married, kids.... blah blah blah.

Oh right, if you're hear, that's what you want to know about.

I've been married to Knight for 17 years yesterday.  Been friends since I was 16.  I'm the poster child for why parents want to worry if their daughter comes home from high school and announces she's met THE ONE.  Note: she may have. 

We have three brats, Monster is 14, loves video games, has insomnia, runs long distance, rides his bike 20 miles without thinking anything of it. Baby is 13, my social butterfly!  Runs long distance, plays basketball, has a learning disability, and two best friends she is inseparable from.  Hitter is 15---16 in a month.  Plays volleyball like her life depended on it, has a 4.0 GPA, already selected her college, is completely antisocial except for her best friend.

So that's the fam.... I have too many hobbies to list.  I sew, crochet, can, garden, play World of Warcraft (Alliance!), wildcraft, and work at a job where I am very underappreciated (but what else is new?) by management.  Goals include living on a sustainable organic farm and having a sewing business on the side.

Why am I starting a blog?  Facebook is not really a good medium for larger concepts.  I'm wordy and don't want to bore everyone over there with stuff they've heard before.  Also, my entire family (almost) is over there.  Here I'm at least vaguely anonymous and can rant without 6 people I haven't seen since high school arguing with me.  Here I'll get total strangers!  Awesome.

So....that's me.  Hi. If you've managed to make it this far, well, actually I'd be shocked.  See you tomorrow?

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